Thursday, August 22, 2013

Breathe through the exercise for your lungs

Relief from anxiety in a few seconds? A free method for increased energy, improved blood circulation, reduced swelling, and improved complexion? Studies prove that simply learning how to breathe correctly can have these remarkable effects throughout your body.
learn to breatheBreathing correctly can be as powerful as it is simple. The typical person only uses around twenty percent of their lung capacity, but with practice, they can learn how to tap into their lung’s full potential. Sending better oxygen content to all the cells of the body can bring dramatic changes in general health and mood.
Famous health guru, Dr. Andrew Weil, says that if he could only give one tip for better health, it would be to breathe properly. Proper breathing technique is central to the ancient practices like Yoga as well as other meditation disciplines.
I promise if you focus on breathing exercises once a day, your lung capacity will increase over time.  
At the end of that inhale, inhale more.  At the end of that exhale, exhale more.  There is always more room than you think and expanding the lungs will get easier the more you practice it.  Just make sure you are lying down!

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