Sunday, September 8, 2013

Inside out

While we were visiting friends in Michigan last weekend, I got some rope burns (water skiing).  The scabs which formed fascinated my daughter (I know, gross, but she's 5), so we were talking about how cuts and hurts heal - the scab forms to protect your body from further damage and infection while your body recovers.

So today the scab fell off, and my daughter was amazed that my skin looked so normal underneath. So again we talked about how your body heals - from the inside out.  You can't always see it getting better, you just gradually start to feel better.  One day, you just are better.

OK, so me being me, I thought of the similarities to Pilates - how a disciplined practice helps strengthen and heal your body from the inside out.  Doesn't that sound so much better than beating yourself up at the gym?

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