Saturday, September 14, 2013

Action without action

I've been thinking a lot about the Daoist idea of Wu Wei or non action.  Wu Wei is the idea of doing without doing.  Sounds like a paradox, right?  I guess a better word to describe it is "Being" instead of doing.  I decided a long time ago that I was going to follow my heart and do what I loved and hope that success followed me. I've definitely had some blips along the way but for the most part I have stayed true to that vision.  When you do what you love or what makes you happy it is effortless and doesn't feel like you are doing much of anything.  I don't feel like I have a job or that I'm servicing anyone I'm just being myself and that act alone makes me happy.  

I love sharing the beauty and the artistry of movement and helping others feel in their bodies a sense of great connection to the universal pulse.  I'm no different or no more special than anyone else.  Connection to the Dao is available to everyone on whatever level they wish if they allow themselves to open up to it.

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