Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pilates and the snow shovel.

With all of the crazy wet, heavy snow Chicago is experiencing today, I thought it would be a good time to remind all of you how well Pilates and snow shoveling go together.  Yes, you heard me....stop groaning!  I know you all hate shoveling in this weather (me too!), but tonight when you go outside to tackle your sidewalk remember what you've learned in class.

Warm up!  Try a few Bridges and/or chest curls before beginning.

Use good form!  Think about all of those squats we do in class....on the reformer in Side Splits for example...and make sure your glutes are activated and you have a stable pelvis as you squat to dig in to the snow.  Keep your spine long and neutral, and activate your core muscles (the corset!) as you scoop and push.  Make sure you aren't rounding your low back or shoulders.


Relax in a warm bath or shower to ease those hardworking muscles!

Repeat as necessary :)

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