Friday, February 15, 2013

Do you have a Wheat Belly?

Having a hard time losing those last 5-10 lbs around your midsection?  It might not be your workout regime, it might be your diet!  A lot of folks are unknowingly allergic to wheat (and sometimes even gluten).  It creates an inflammatory response in many people with symptoms ranging from digestive gas/cramping, skin rashes, and dark circles under the eyes to fatigue and excess weight.

I have been reading the book Wheat Belly by William Davis M.D. And was shocked to realize how genetically modified the Wheat Plant is and how addictive it is!  I have always been sensitive to wheat products but after omitting them from my diet for 2-3 weeks I realize that I am downright allergic to it.  After those few weeks the dark circles under my eyes disappeared, my digestion greatly improved, and I lost 2-3 pounds of fat around my midsection and thighs?  Who knew one grain could make such a difference.  Try reading this book and following this diet and see if you too have a Wheat Belly!

1 comment:

  1. Love this book! Super eye opening and motivating to eat clean.
