Wednesday, March 27, 2013


For those of you that take our Heartcore/Cardio Sculpt, you might be interested in a great article I found recently about the Tabata style of training frequently we frequently use in these classes.  Dr. Izumi Tabata designed the system after extensive research and monitoring of Japan's speed skating team in the 1990s.  Check out the below link for more information on how it works, and his research and methods.

The Tabata workout programme: harder, faster, fitter, quicker?

Here's a piece of the article:

Fit in four minutes. It sounds like a hyperbolic headline from a buffed-up health magazine; an unattainable promise uttered through Hollywood teeth on late-night satellite TV. Then you attempt Dr Izumi Tabata's training protocol – 20 seconds of all-out effort, 10 seconds of rest, repeat eight times – and between sounding like Darth Vader as you desperately suck in oxygen and collapsing in a messy bundle of sweat and defeat, you realise just how wrong you were.

Sound familiar?

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