Friday, August 16, 2013

Does the Body Rule the Mind or the Mind Rule the Body?

Oh, hey!  It's another great adventure in debunking Western Duality!  So, Joseph Pilates said in his book Contrology that "The goal of Pilates is gaining the mastery of your mind over the complete control of your body."  That means they are two different entities and our mind has to control our body, right?  Cool, sign me up!  Oh wait, how does Joe or anyone else for that matter know this?  Cause he said so, DUH!

I posit the following hypothesis about the relationship between the "mind" and the "body".  The mind or consciousness is our bridge to direct energy (via the nervous system) through the physical body.  In Pilates we use the focused intent of the mind to willfully direct energy through the medium of the physical body to create balance and harmony.  So the "mind" and "body" flow together as if they were one thing.

Controlling anyone or anything is exhausting work.  Why not just connect and flow?

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