Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Three ways Pilates can improve your running

So it's the beginning of running season.  But before you hang up your Pilates practice for the summer, consider how Pilates can help you be a better stronger runner (and less prone to injury)!

1.  Core strength.  It's the buzz of nearly every exercise program these days, but to really benefit from it you have to understand why it helps.  The stronger your "core," the better you will be able to run tall and hold up your torso and head without adding to the work your legs are doing.  Read: better core strength makes you faster!  Pilates is the original core strengthening exercise program.

2.  Glut / Hamstring strength.  Pushing something is easier than pulling it.  So why use the front of your legs (quads) to drive the motion of your running?  Pilates can help you better align and learn to use the back of your body to drive you forward more efficiently.

3.  Spine flexibility for healthy rotation.  As you run, your upper body needs to rotate while your head and legs continue to point forward.  If your spine and/or shoulders are stiff, your back muscles and your hips will have to do more work which will make you slower and more prone to injury.  Pilates can help build a strong flexible spine that will allow you to move in a healthy way.

Let us know at the studio that you are starting your running season; we can help you make it your best!!

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