Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The power of Asparagus!

 This time of year really makes me crave Spring.  I'm sure all of you are ready to open the windows for warm air and sunshine, but what I really start craving is Spring produce.  Particularly Asparagus!  Asparagus is one of those early Spring veggies, so when I see it in stores at this time of year I know it will be packed full of vitamins and tasting its best, and most likely grown locally.

Some of you might be familiar with the author Barbara Kingsolver, and her book "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle," in which she document's her family's quest to eat locally and in season.  After a long winter of eating either frozen or canned food from their extensive garden, the first signs of Asparagus were a welcome and tasty addition to their diet.

Here's a recipe I plan to try very very soon (fingers crossed!):

(taken from www.101cookbooks.com)

Before I go, here's a fun (and strange) fun fact about Asparagus, taken from "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle:"

"...Europeans of the Renaissance swore by it as an aphrodisiac, and the church banned it from nunneries."  

Wow - behold the power of Asparagus!

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