Friday, June 27, 2014


Coming to the studio soon.....GET IT!  - a hip-hop inspired cardio dance class that torches calories while having a super fun time!  Our fabulously talented instructor Charlie Ward came to the studio yesterday to demo the class and we had a blast!  Stay tuned for more FREE classes as we work on adding the class into our permanent rotation.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Joseph Pilates in his studio

An old school photo of a still current exercise. Pull up on the Cadillac! He wored well into his 80s. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Scoop

Check out instructor Allison Ward demonstrating a roll up using the chair & slastixs.  She is perfectly illustrating the c-curve of the spine and the scooping action of the pelvis that is required to master this exercise.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Kale Salad with Peach Vinaigrette

By now you all are aware that I love kale salads, as I've posted quite a few on this blog.  Well I just tried a new one this weekend and it's fantastic.  I absolutely love peaches, so this recipe was a no brainer for me.  Plus, peaches are awesome so far this summer!

**Just remember, to ripen your peaches so that they're juicy and not mealy (ick!) just buy them when they're rock-hard, then put them in a brown paper bag on your windowsill for a few days until they ripen to your taste.  Don't even try to buy them a little ripe or you'll probably get mealy ones....

Kale Salad with Peach Vinaigrette
Serves: 4-6
A peachy summer salad that's durable enough to make ahead of time.
  • 2 bunches kale, stems removed
  • ½ red onion, diced
  • 1 ripe peach, pitted and chopped
  • Peach Vinaigrette
  • 1 ripe peach, pitted and chopped
  • 2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  1. To prepare the dressing, combine the chopped peach, vinegar, oil, water, honey (if using), and salt in a blender, and blend until completely smooth. If the peach you're using is very sweet, you may not need the honey at all.
  2. Rip the kale into small pieces, and then use your hands to massage the dressing into the leaves until they are tender and slightly wilted. Toss in the red onion and chopped peach, and allow the salad to marinate for 30 minutes before serving. Save any leftover salad in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Have fun with it!

The appeal of time for myself is always enough to feel good about the early morning wake up for my workout. And, it's a really quiet time in the city!


Friday, June 13, 2014

Power to the Glutes!

Okay, I admit that's a selfie taken in my kitchen :). However, I'm going to make it an educational moment by talking about the importance of functional gluteal strength.

So, lots of people throw out the word "core strength" as a way to prevent lower back pain and injury.  No one really talks about the glutes though!  The glutes actually attach to the back of your pelvis via the sacrum and are technically on the same kinetic chain as the low back so why aren't people all in a tizzy about the glutes?

Here's why:  It's not the most obvious answer.  People assume that most folks properly activate their glutes since they are a large muscle. WRONG!!!  They activate the quads before the glutes.  You can actually engage your core and still not engage your glutes.  Kind of amazing, right?  

So, how do you functionally activate the glutes then?  It's a prerequisite that the pelvis and spine are stable - so activating the muscles for Lumbo - Pelvic stabilization is of utmost importance.  Then you must maintain that stabilization as you posteriorly glide the leg and activate the glutes.  The emphasis is MAINTAIN stabilization as it is a dynamic process.  If your movement is constantly driving from and referring back to your center of gravity your body has no choice but to use the glutes to move the leg.  Unfortunately usually your low back and quads run the show and that where you get into trouble.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Easy summer salad

Sliced fruit, avocado, chopped fresh chicken with greens and a small side salad of edamame and tofu (in the avocado shell!). The dressing is a light champagne vinaigrette. Perfect on a warm day!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Becoming more of an Essentialist?

I liked this article about how we all talk about "how busy" we are all the time. I want to focus more on what really matters in life, not live in a bubble. There are some easy steps about becoming more of an essentialist. Read the full article here:

Why We Humblebrag About Being Busy by Greg McKeown

Friday, June 6, 2014

Listening = Learning

We're always listening to voices, ideas, and thoughts in our heads.  In fact, they drive us and prompt us to take a course of action.  The question is, how deeply are we listening to ourselves?  Are we just listening to our basest and most immediate desires or our we going deeper and truly listening to our hearts and what will fulfill us in our lives?  
I believe that to really learn and grow as a person you must take the time to listen deeply.  This requires spending enough time alone to face all of the weird feelings and thoughts you have and to look at them objectively.  When you do this it is much easier to understand yourself and to then choose what voices, ideas, and thoughts you want to listen to.
We all have negative, inadequate, depressing thoughts but have we really ever listened to them?  They seem so loud but when you start listening to them they appear smaller, weaker, and stupider than you had imagined.  Are those the voices you want to listen to or are you going to listen to a larger, more loving, more positive one?  By simply asking this question you empower yourself enough to be able to make a choice.  In the end it is these choices that determine your perspective and ultimately the quality of your life.