Saturday, April 26, 2014

You need more INTENSITY

I guess it's not shocking that I'm writing this post since I'm most frequently dubbed as "intense."
I hear a lot of folks talking about how they don't have enough TIME to exercise and if they had more TIME they would be in better shape.

Totally WRONG.

I know people who spend a crapload of time exercising and still don't look like the stepped off the cover of fitness magazine.

It's not what you do, it's how you do it that matters.  I would say that I exercise a total of 4-5 hours a week.  But guess what, my workouts are very INTENSE!!  Not intense to the point of injuring myself but I push myself to the point of discomfort in a very focused and controlled way.  

The right FOCUS (which requires a lot of mental energy) and INTENSITY are really the formula for success when it comes to exercise and creating the change you want to see in your body!

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