Monday, May 12, 2014

Health and nutrition secrets from around the world

My favorites are from Okinawa, Japan - but check out the full article for secrets from Costa Rica, Iceland, Greece, Italy, Cameroon, and Mexico.

Okinawa, Japan

Japan has relatively low rates of prostate and breast cancer. The Okinawans practice calorie restriction, which has been linked to improved longevity. They also load up on in-season vegetables like bok choy, mustard greens and kale. They drink green tea rich in antioxidants, and get their fats and vitamin D from fish.
Lessons from the Okinawans:
  1. Develop a strong sense of purpose, called ikigai, or that which makes life worth living, by keeping family ties strong and maintaining close groups of friends. The Okinawans call these moais.
  2. Stay active, and maintain a vegetable garden. Not only do gardens provide natural sources of healthy foods, but also an outlet for daily physical activity. Because of the temperate climate, Okinawans can garden all year round and get plenty of bone-health promoting Vitamin D.
  3. Maintain an herb garden. People living in homes or apartments can grow and maintain herb gardens. Include ginger and turmeric to get the same health benefits as the Okinawans.
  4. Eat a plant-based diet. Use vegetables from your garden, a farmer’s market or even a grocery store. Okinawan centenarians consume soy products, such as antioxidant rich tofu for additional health benefits.
  5. Hara hachi bu. This old agage translates as “eat until you’re 80% full”. The Okinawans say this before every meal to remind them to eat moderate amounts of food.
  6. Smile! Okinawan centenarians embrace a positive outlook on life, in spite of or because of the hardships they endured throughout their lives.

Health and nutrition secrets from around the world

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