Monday, March 31, 2014

5 Myths That Keep You From Meditating

I go in phases where I try to meditate and then somehow it gets away from me. It's like stretching, working out, eating healthy. It takes a little discipline. And time. But actually, it's not as hard as you think. Check out these five myths and see if mediation might be something you've wanted to try but haven't for whatever reason. Give it a chance. I copied the article below….

One inspired morning I decided to meditate, so I sat cross-legged and set my timer for 15 minutes. Less than two minutes later, I rolled up my yoga mat, discouraged and unable to sit still. So much for that ... and several attempts after that.
When I expressed my frustrations to my friend, she encouraged me to attend a 10-day Vipassana retreat in which I'd commit to total silence for the entire time.
I laughed in disbelief. If a two-minute meditation was difficult, then a silent meditation retreat would be like climbing Mt. Everest.
And then it hit me. As an athlete, thinking of mediation as Mt. Everest made sense: If I wanted to get good at meditation, I'd need to train. I would also need guidance and support. So, with trepidation, I signed up for a local one day meditation retreat.
Though I walked into the retreat with trepidation, I was surprised to find that some of my preconceived notions of meditation were keeping me stuck. If you, too, have struggled to start a mediation practice, perhaps letting go of these common misconceptions could make all the difference.
1. You must sit cross-legged.
This belief alone was enough to destroy my first attempt at meditation. As an athlete with very tight hips, sitting cross-legged for any period of time (even on a bolster) becomes very uncomfortable, very quickly. It’s hard to focus on breathing and calming your mind when your hips are screaming at you!
I was delighted to discover that you can meditate in many positions; lying down, sitting in chair, standing, even walking or floating! Meditation is something you can do pretty much anywhere. I now find myself meditating in variety of places … on my SUP board, in my office, even standing in line at the grocery store.
2. You must think of nothing.
A clear mind is a great goal, but chances are you won’t tame your monkey mind right away. As you get started with meditation, your mind will wander. Don’t get frustrated! Remember, you have to train persistently to reach the summit. Meditation is aboutreigning in your mind when it strays. Let the monkey play, but gently remind it who's boss.
3. You must sit in complete silence.
Silence can be a very uncomfortable place for the monkey mind. A bit of guidance can do wonders for keeping your mind on track. Guided meditation simply means that you have a teacher (either a class or a recorded audio) leading you through your meditation practice. Guided meditations often use visualization exercises such as full body relaxation. A guided visualization that I’ve particularly enjoyed is called “earth breathing,” which involves visualizing your body sinking into the ground. You can also get a little crazy with this and visualize yourself jumping out of a plane and falling towards the earth. This meditation visualization offers a wonderful sensation of grounded body and lightness of mind.
4. You need a lot of time.
We’re busy people! Few of us have large chunks of time to devote to meditation. Good news! Even just 60 seconds is enough time to meditate. Place one hand on your heart, one hand on your tummy and focus on taking 3 long deep breaths. You just did a short, yet powerful, meditation!
5. You must sit alone.
Though many people meditate alone, group meditation is a wonderful way to get started. If you were training to climb a big mountain, then you might consider joining a hiking group. Same goes for meditation. A meditation class or group is a perfect place to find support and accountability. You’re much less likely to get frustrated and give up if you’re surrounded by people who are encouraging you to keep trying.
Congratulations, you’ve officially left meditation base camp! Oh yes, your monkey mind will still play, but with practice and persistence, you’ll slowly make your way to your personal meditation summit.
Remember to enjoy the journey!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Happy National Spinach Day!

Ok, so technically it was yesterday, but happy national spinach day anyway!  Here are some awesome looking recipes to get a bit more superfood spinach into your diets.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Wild PILATES!!!!!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sitting too much

I think at this point anyone reading this blog is aware of how sitting too much can interfere with health over the long term.  I was reading another article on the topic recently and thought it had some good tips for adding NEAT (nonexercise activity thermogenesis), or that not-so-sweaty-but-still-moving-around moving we all need more of, into your everyday life.  Check out the article here.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mojito green juice (breakfast or cocktail)

I made this for breakfast yesterday but instead of juicing the ingredients, I blended them into a smoothie with ice and almond milk. Delicious! I am thinking it would be a tasty summer cocktail with an ounce of vodka (less the almond milk), served over ice. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

40 Things I Can Do at 40 That I Couldn't Do When I Was 20

Since I just had the big 4-0 birthday, I thought this topic was appropriate. 

You can read the full article below but here is the list the blogger put together. I have to say, I think I agree with almost all of them! 

1. Cook a decent meal.
2. Make a killer cup of coffee.
3. Tell the truth. 
4. Have a healthy relationship.
5. Look past a person's flaws.
6. Look past my own flaws.
7. Stay home on New Years Eve.
8. Pay my bills.
9. Go out without makeup on.
10. Go to the gynecologist without being embarrassed.
11. Go to a therapist without feeling ashamed. 
12. Speak to a group of strangers.
13. Buy the good wine.
14. Handle rejection.
15. Read Didion instead of Cosmo.
16. Be happy for other people, instead of jealous. 
17. Ignore the trends (skinny jeans included) and wear what looks good on my body.
18. Ignore the Kardashians, Rihanna and every other celebrity du jour.
19. Ignore people's nasty comments.
20. Ignore my ex. 
21. Stand up for myself.
22. Stand up for people I love.
23. Sit at a concert.
24. Take a cab home instead of insisting I'm OK to drive.
25. Wear a hat when it's cold.
26. Stop worrying about whether people like me or think I'm pretty. 
27. Be my kid's hero. 
28. Show her what independence looks like.
29. Show her what real beauty is. 
30. Drive the speed limit.
31. Drop that toxic friend.
32. Avoid the drama.
33. Swear in front of my mom.
34. Swap the tanning lotion for eye cream.
35. Focus on the smart guy instead of the handsome guy.
36. Say "no" to stuff.
37. Skip the gym and go for a walk outside.
38. Stop trying to be perfect.
39. Let go of expectation.
40. Adjust to changes.
And one to grow on: Understand that the best is yet to come. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Seeing beauty

A few early morning photos on my way to the studio today. 

Healthy Shamrock Shake….!

People go gaga for Shamrock Shakes from McDonalds.  Instead of loading up on all of those artificial dyes, preservatives, and high-fructose corn syrup, try this healthier version:

A healthy, minty green shake, perfect for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day!

  • 1 cup almond milk
  • ¼ avocado, pitted
  • 1 handful fresh baby spinach
  • ¼ teaspoon pure peppermint extract
  • 5-6 soft Medjool dates, pitted handful of ice
  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender, and blend until smooth and creamy. Adjust sweetness to taste, if necessary, and serve immediately.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Kale Salad

My new favorite salad. You can switch up the sweet, the nuts and the cheese. I think it's better if you dress the salad at least 30 min to 2 hours before serving.

For 2-4 people.

1 bunch lacinato/dinasaur kale (stem removed, cut into 1/4 inch strips)
1/3 cup pear (diced)
juice of one lemon
1 TBS olive oil
1 tsp honey
1/4-1/3 cup slivered almonds
shredded parm cheese (about 1/3-1/2 cup)
salt and pepper to taste

You can use pine nuts, currants, cranberries, apple, or any other combinations.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bread & Cheese? Why not?

The Big Cheese
It may not be on your everyday diet, but come on, this is brilliant!

Savory Monkey Bread
Making this savory version of the sticky sweet monkey bread is as easy as slicing bread (literally), and the taste is infinitely adaptable (try swiss, mozz, blue --- veggies, chutney, jam). You end up with an ooey, gooey, melty appetizer that’s great for picking apart with your hands.
Savory Monkey Bread
Makes 6 to 8 servings

Start to Finish: 30 minutes
1 loaf unsliced bread
1 cup pesto
12 ounces mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. Prepare the bread: Score the bread lengthwise. To do this, slice the bread as you would for toast, but don’t cut all the way down to the base of the loaf. The idea is to keep the bread in a loaf shape and fully intact. Repeat this scoring across the width of the loaf. You will end up with what looks like little squares of bread.
3. Use a spatula or butter knife to spread pesto in the crevices of the bread. No need to be precise--just get a good slathering in there.
4. Next, place mozzarella slices inside the crevices, wedging them in so that they don’t stick out too far at the top (you want all that gooeyness inside the bread and off your pan). Sprinkle with a little salt & pepper.
5. Transfer the loaf to the prepared baking sheet, and bake until the pesto is bubbly and the mozzarella is melted, 15 to 17 minutes. Serve warm.

12 Ways Your Pet Can Improve Your Mental Health

Here's a wonderful article detailing something that all pet owners already know - pets help our mind, body, and spirit.

My favorites from the list:

Petting Reduces Stress
Rhythmic petting or grooming can be comforting to your dog or cat, and you. Concentrate on the texture of his soft fur, the warmth he radiates, and his deep breaths. When you connect with your pet, oxytocin, the hormone related to stress and anxiety relief, is released, helping to reduce blood pressure and lower cortisol levels.

They Both Distract You and Keep You Present
Being present and engaged with your pet takes your thoughts off of the issues that are plaguing you. When you are fully in the moment, you are not worrying about the past or the future. It's just you and your pet. 

They Love You Unconditionally :)

12 Ways Your Pet Can Improve Your Mental Health

Friday, March 7, 2014


Finding time for StIllness is the single most important thing you can do on a daily basis.

Read this article to find out why.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pilates Bear keeps trying

I have been doing Pilates regularly for several years now, and there are still many moves that I find extremely difficult.  Some, I can't do at all.  But instead of letting this upset me, I try to enjoy the challenge.  Often in my mat classes I ask the class to join me in attempting 'rolling like a ball', even though I have never successfully completed this move without utilizing momentum.  We all roll around, we get closer to success, and we laugh a lot.  I'm finding that if you accept where you are in the moment, the journey itself can be quite enjoyable :)

Pilates Bear  rollin lik a ball

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Yes, winter is still here.

It's March 5 and it still looks like January out there. The good news is we can't control it. The even better news is spring will come. Keep moving inside now so you feel ready to move outside when the sun returns to Chicago!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I've been running for over 20 years now and this article is SO TRUE. Running is not graceful, it's crude. If you don't want to hear about snot rockets, sweat, pee, poop, nipple band-aids, beardcicles, or lube, you might want to skip this post. Otherwise, enjoy a good laugh and welcome to my world!