Monday, September 30, 2013

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

I forgot how much I loved this book, until I recently came across it again. If you're looking for a quick read that will inspire you, check it out!

This is one of my favorite quotes from the book:

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” 

So true. I can't tell you how many times I didn't do something because I was afraid to fail. I do think the FEAR itself is worse than any FAILURE. 

Listen to your heart, follow your dreams, LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Life can get busy and we tend to lose sight of what is important. I've always liked the idea of thinking about life as a journey, not a destination. Don't get caught up in telling yourself "I'll be happy when...". Just BE.


Here are a few more of my favorite quotes from the book:

“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.” 

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.” 

“I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we’re living now.” 

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.” 

Friday, September 27, 2013


Correct Philosophy = Correct Action

I think the picture speaks for itself :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Grab a crate of apples!

An apple a day is not that hard to come by in the Midwest in September. Everyone has their favorite varietal. My son, Henry and I battle over the almighty Honeycrisp. But did you know these obscure apple facts?

- protect lungs from cigarette smoke. 
- stimulate appetite. 
- remedy indigestion (due in part to malic & tartaric acids which inhabit the growth of ferments and disease-producing bacteria in the digestive tract). 
- contain pectin which removes cholesterol, toxic metals such as lead and mercury, and the residues of radiation. 
- help relieve swelling and irritations such as sunburn or pink-eye when grated and placed over the eyes for 20 minutes. 
- and their juice are cleansing and beneficial to the gallbladder, actually softening gallstones. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

17 Science-Backed Ways To Bust Out of a Workout Rut

If you are feeling like you need a CHANGE in your workout routine or need to PUMP it up a little, check out these 17 ways to bust out of a workout rut. You can read more on each strategy in the article below: 

1.   Pump up your playlist
2.   Grab a workout buddy
3.   Add interval training to your routine
4.   Get outside
5.   Be more time-effecient
6.   Perform supersets
7.   Cross train
8.   Track your activity
9.   Play a game
10. Take an active rest day
11. Get certified
12. Mobilize
13. Rethink your warm up
14. Get back to basics
15. Enlist a trainer
16. Focus on nutrition
17. Get more sleep

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Want to try an amazing strength workout?

They look medieval, they feel heavier than they are, and they give you an awesome upper and low body workout.  The shape of the weight is designed to throw off your balance, therefore forcing you to engage deeper stabilizing muscles instead of relying on your big movers.

If you want to try Clubbells, join our next bootcamp session!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chocolate Chili

It's that time of year again - SOUP TIME!

Sunday I cooked up a batch of my favorite chili, Martha's Turkey and Bean Chili (with cocoa powder!).  So easy and it makes your entire house smell mouth wateringly delicious.....oh and it tastes excellent too!

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Habits of Supremely Happy People

Great article on the habits of happy people! I love it, I'm going to print out this list!

You can read more here:

They surround themselves with other happy people.
They smile when they mean it.
They cultivate resilience.
They try to be happy.
They are mindful of the good.
They appreciate simple pleasures.
They devote some of their time to giving.
They let themselves lose track of time. (And sometimes they can’t help it.)
They nix the small talk for deeper conversation.
They spend money on other people. 
They make a point to listen. 
They uphold in-person connections.
They look on the bright side.
They value a good mixtape.
They unplug. 
They get spiritual.
They make exercise a priority.
They go outside.
They spend some time on the pillow.
They LOL.
They walk the walk.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Action without action

I've been thinking a lot about the Daoist idea of Wu Wei or non action.  Wu Wei is the idea of doing without doing.  Sounds like a paradox, right?  I guess a better word to describe it is "Being" instead of doing.  I decided a long time ago that I was going to follow my heart and do what I loved and hope that success followed me. I've definitely had some blips along the way but for the most part I have stayed true to that vision.  When you do what you love or what makes you happy it is effortless and doesn't feel like you are doing much of anything.  I don't feel like I have a job or that I'm servicing anyone I'm just being myself and that act alone makes me happy.  

I love sharing the beauty and the artistry of movement and helping others feel in their bodies a sense of great connection to the universal pulse.  I'm no different or no more special than anyone else.  Connection to the Dao is available to everyone on whatever level they wish if they allow themselves to open up to it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

To breakfast or not to breakfast?


Conventional wisdom instructs us that losing weight means eating a healthy breakfast, but it turns out the evidence between the link of breakfast and weight loss is tenuous at best.  An article in this week's New York Times outlines the history of studies around this topic and it seems most of the science is based on associational data rather than more rigorous experimentation.  Obviously, there are lots of reasons eating a healthy meal early in the day might be the right choice for an individual, but in general it may be a pretty big jump to say it's required for losing weight.  Take a read:

To Breakfast?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Proper Squat!

My morning group reformer class was working on squats today and it got me thinking how difficult a good squat is to do. 

Most of us flex our knees too much (instead of our hips) and put undue pressure on that knee joint.  Take a look at the image below.  Ms. Robot is doing a perfect squat.  Her knees are bending but her knees are situated directly over her foot and the TENSION is in her, ahem, ASS, with assistance from the abdominals.  The work is not in her knees, not in her low back (pulling your abdominals in and keeping your shoulders down will prevent that low back arch).  If you are new to squats, place a chair under your butt and act like you are actually sitting in that chair and keep the TENSION in your ASS all the way down and up.  You actually may sit in the chair at first!  Make the range of motion small and slow and really try to only feel this in your ASS and abs. 

Incidentally, while searching images tonight I noticed many images of squats showing hips lower than the knees.  I totally disagree with that version of a squat.  Too many chances for knee and back injury.  Keep the hips slightly higher than the knees.  And, feel it in that ASS!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All you need

My dog, Stirrup.

Sometimes all you need is to witness the pure happiness of another being....

Monday, September 9, 2013

5 Reasons Men Should Do Pilates


There's a reason your girlfriend can’t get enough of mat classes—they work. From a stronger core to better sex, here's why Pilates is great for guys, too.

Check out this article on Men's Fitness:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Inside out

While we were visiting friends in Michigan last weekend, I got some rope burns (water skiing).  The scabs which formed fascinated my daughter (I know, gross, but she's 5), so we were talking about how cuts and hurts heal - the scab forms to protect your body from further damage and infection while your body recovers.

So today the scab fell off, and my daughter was amazed that my skin looked so normal underneath. So again we talked about how your body heals - from the inside out.  You can't always see it getting better, you just gradually start to feel better.  One day, you just are better.

OK, so me being me, I thought of the similarities to Pilates - how a disciplined practice helps strengthen and heal your body from the inside out.  Doesn't that sound so much better than beating yourself up at the gym?

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Check out instructor Sarah offering assisted stretching at the end of our Saturday morning mat class today. The therabands also helped out. Try this at home with a towel, keeping your spine neutral. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Intermittent Fasting -My AMAZING transformation photos!

I will let the photos speak for themselves.  IF totally has worked for me.  
You can see a reduction in body fat but no decrease in muscle tone.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Don't get caught up in what's trendy.  Listen to your body, eat healthy food, and move a lot.  
                                                       Keep it simple!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Recipe: Grilled Halibut w/ Peach and Pepper Salsa


This was SO GOOD! Very quick and healthy. Make it soon, summer is almost over!