Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Minutiae of Pilates
One aspect I enjoy about my Pilates practice is when an instructor can help me find a precise or small adjustment in my movement that increases the efficiency and the challenge of the exercise.   I've been working with Annie for a few months and she has the skill to help me find the minutiae in the movements!

You have probably heard the phrase, "Football is a game of inches," played on a field 100 yards long.  Pilates is a practice of minutiae within larger movements.  The mind-body connection is critical and staying open to "feeling" the minutiae while you work can make the practice better for you.

You will gain strength in those smaller stabilizing muscles around your spine, shoulders, and hips and feel the results spread throughout your body!  Stay open.  Be present.  Enjoy the movements.  Your instructor will help you find the minutiae of pilates.  It's worth the effort.  I promise!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

grab that bootcamp spot!

Hey it's almost February and spring break is a short 7 weeks away. Jump into our intense 2-hour, 6-week Sunday bootcamp! An awesome combo class that includes equipment pilates, strength and cardio interval training, it will get you closer to your goal and is less expensive than buying classes separately.

Spots are filling fast! Class begins on February 17, 11am.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kale Bonanza!

Hi everyone!

I'm sure you all know by now that I love raw kale salads, and I'm always on the lookout for a new twist.  Well I hit the jackpot the other day with this article from a blog called
"theKitchn" - Beyond Romaine: 10 delicious Kale salads.  

I'm especially excited to try this one:

Kale Salad with Apricots, Avocado, and Parmesan

I'm sure you'll hear me talking about it!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Make sure you stick to that resolution - Write it down!

I have heard before that if you want to make a real change or achieve a new goal in life, you should write it down. Making specific notes about a change can help you visualize, articulate and plan for how things will be different! Whether the change you are after is in you body, job to other part of your life, you are more likely to have success if you plan for it! I have seen it work - it was my first step toward becoming a Pilates instructor. Check out this article for some additional advice.

Friday, January 25, 2013

VIDEO: 4 Exercises for an Amazing Backside!

Check out this video where I show you a 4 exercise circuit the helps you get a toned and lifted backside.  All you need is a stability ball and weights.  Do this circuit 3 times a week for maximum results.  You'll be bootylicious in no time :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Staying Hydrated in the Winter

Sometimes it doesn't seem as obvious to stay hydrated during the winter.  I don't feel like I'm sweating walking the dogs - even tho I have 3+ layers on - and nor during my private sessions with Annie and she gives me a good workout every time.

You probably crave water during an Urbancore jump board class or while your bootie is shaping up during the early morning boot camp sessions.  But maybe don't notice your thirst developing as much during a private session...or when walking the dogs.

Bottom line:  stay hydrated even during the winter months.  You can consume your fluids by eating fresh vegetables, drinking water or tea, or making a low-fat soup like the Red Lentil Soup Allison posted on January 1, 2013.  It is delicious!!

If you keep the fluids flowing you may notice your skin and lips will feel better even in the extreme dryness of the near-zero weather we're enduring.

P.S. Spring is around the corner!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

better than sleep?

Check out the 6am bootcampers throwing clubbells in a rocket squat after 30 minutes on the reformer.  Week 3 of 8 early mornings!!

Should I buy Organic?

So your New Year's resolution to exercise regularly is intact.  Are you considering changes in your diet to "Be Healthier" this year?  Probably includes eating more healthy fruits and veggies, right?   As you consider whether to invest in that organic apple, onion or bunch of kale, check out this list of "the Dirty Dozen."  These fruits and vegetables, when grown non-organically, retain the most pesticides in the food.  Probably worth the extra money to keep that body functioning at its best!!

1.  Apples
2.  Celery
3.  Strawberries
4.  Peaches
5.  Spinach
6.  Nectarines (Imported)
7.  Grapes (Imported)
8.  Sweet bell peppers
9.  Potatoes
10.  Blueberries
11.  Lettuce
12.  Kale/collard greens

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Form + Function = the Pilates Chair

Ever wonder about the origins of the Pilates Chair?

Well check out this vintage film from 1936 of Joseph Pilates demonstrating how the Chair could be both a piece of functional furniture as well as exercise equipment.  Genius!

Friday, January 18, 2013

VIDEO: 10 Minutes to a Defined Waistline!

Check out this video where I show you how to do a 10 minute circuit that shape and define your waistline!  Goodbye love handles hello sexy :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Neck up or neck down?

Last week I posted information about how to avoid the flu.  Hopefully, you will avoid the flu but may not be able to avoid the cold germs swarming your head this time of year.

If you do feel ill is it appropriate to continue your exercise routine?

The American College of Sports Medicine has published a position paper which you can read for more detail. 

I like the simplicity of their "neck up" decision making advice.  If you're sick from the neck up (minus a fever) than it's probably ok to exercise and may even be beneficial.  A couple of reputable web sites I read suggest a regenerative exercise like pilates might make you feel better.  

If your symptoms are from the neck down it's probably better to stick with bed rest and a gradual resumption of your intensive training regime. 

So, don't avoid Urbancore classes if you're feeling ill from the neck up.  Just remember to wipe down your equipment afterwards!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

tonight's dinner! Bacon cod. Yum.

I received a french cookbook for the holidays and tonight was our first dinner from 'French Food at Home' by Laura Calder.

4 pieces cod fillet (as you can see in the photo I added to the recipe)
Salt & pepper
Thin lemon slices
Thyme sprigs (or dried which is what I had)
Bacon slices (I partially cooked)
Olive oil

Preheat the oven to 400ºF.  Season the fish with salt and pepper. Arrange the lemon slices and thyme atop the fillets. Wrap the bacon around the middle of each, like a cummerbund, to secure the lemon. Lay the fillets in a baking dish. Drizzle over the olive oil.

Bake until flakingly tender, about 10-13 minutes. Serve.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

kneeling arms!

Check out Wednesday night's Group Reformer class rocking out some kneeling arm work - such focus!

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's 5:45am - Don't leave your energy boost behind!

Ok, Bootcampers, week two is in swing!  Now that it's not new, it is probably feeling more challenging to drag yourself out of bed at 5 something AM two to three times a week.  Just remember how great you feel once you have finished your workout, as well as the inspiration you get from working out with our GREAT crew of folks joining you (including your instructors)!!  And DON'T FORGET to grab a light snack to kickstart that metabolism!  And apple, handful of almonds, energy bar - all good ways to ensure you burn FAT during your workout!  Check out this article for more info; I'll see you Friday!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Neuroplasticity of the Brain

I'm amazed at how much our bodies and minds can change given proper cuing and consistent practice.  Check out his article about how a dancer affected with cerebral palsy was able to completely change his gait with the help of an astute choreographer.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's Flu Season

A 3-D illustration shows the structure of a generic influenza virus.
Q. How long can the droplets from a sick person live on the reformer carriage or cadillac roll up bar?
A. Studies have shown the human influenza virus can survive on surfaces between 2 to 8 hours.

1.  Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based gel.
2.  Wipe down the pilates equipment with the spray and paper towel provided in the studio.
3.  Get the flu vaccine.
4.  If you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth with a tissue, throw the tissue away, wash your hands.
5.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth.  This is how germs spread.

Pilates helps keep you healthy.  You're moving and getting stronger which has been shown to boost your immune system.  Even so, it is important for you and to those around you to prevent the spread of the germ.

Wash your hands well and often.  Eat right.  Get plenty of sleep.  Drink healthy fluids like water.  Exercise at Urbancore!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

side splits!

Wednesday morning group reformer regulars working the side split series with Annie Murray. Great for hips and glutes!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year's Bootcamps - Inspired patience

This week marked the start of Urbancore's 2013 Sunday and Weekday bootcamps; it's always so inspiring to see the bootcampers be so motivated to start the year!!!  As you move from this first week of resolutions to the next several weeks of making real change, remember your resolve - and be patient!!  Real change is really hard, and it quite simply takes time.  But I am so excited to see all of you make those changes - can't wait to see what you have gained (and lost!) by the end of the session - andy beyond!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sometimes it's lonely at the top

The above picture is of Chasm Lake, elevation 14,000 feet just outside of Boulder, Colorado.  When you get to the top of a peak all is quiet and still, there is no one around, and all you feel is openness and space.  When I'm working with clients I facilitate this experience for them.  We focus on calming and centering the mind, stopping the world, and creating openness and space through movement.  It is difficult to achieve this but through continued practice it becomes simpler and much more accessible.  As you become clearer, more centered, and more open it's inevitable that you realize how busy, cluttered and disorganized most people are.  There is no one around to experience this space and openness with you because they are too busy being disorganized and distracted!  Sometimes the path towards health and wellness can seem like a lot of hard work and it can be discouraging because there are so many people who choose not to focus their energy in this way.  It would be easier to just say "Screw it, I'm just going to be busy/distracted/gluttonous like everyone else."  However, the hard work is worth it because the view from the top is golden.  If it were easy everyone would do it :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Depths of Winter

We are in the throws of winter (minus the snow thus far) and that means limited sun exposure which can compromise your Vitamin D absorption.  There is no agreement on the best way to make sure you get enough vitamin D.  Since we live above 42' latitude (if you're in Chicago) and don't have access to much sun from November to March you might want to monitor how much vitamin D you're getting from what you're consuming.

Basic Nutrition Review of Vitamin D
1. It keeps blood levels of calcium and phosphorus and helps the body utilize these two minerals. So, it plays a key role in building bones and teeth.
2. It may have a beneficial effect on the immune system.
3. It may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and there may be a link between vitamin D and a reduced risk of colon cancer.

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism current guidelines for vitamin D supplement is: Adults aged 19-15 require at least 600 IU/d of vitamin D to maximize bone health and muscle function.
Adults aged 50-70 and 70+ require at least 600 and 800 IU/d respectively.
To get your blood levels above a recommended level you may have to take 1500-2000 IU/d.
Read the full PDF guidelines for Evaluation, Treatment, and Prevention of Vitamin D Deficiency.

You can also get vitamin D from fatty fish, e.g. salmon or fortified foods such as milk, cereals, breads, and flours.  I've been drinking almond milk which has as much vitamin D as cow's milk and it's delicious.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jump(board) for joy

Happy new year! A great way to target and contour your backside, Sharon started off the day with a little jumpboard.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Step away from the leftovers!

Are you sick from all the holiday over-eating?  Does the sight of turkey,ham, or cookies make you groan?  Well take a break from all of your holiday binges and try making this amazingly simple yet delicious Red Lentil soup with Lemon.  I've made this recipe twice since discovering it in the last few weeks and it never lasts more than two days in my house.  The brown rice, spinach, and fresh lemon are a welcome treat after all of the heavy foods I've eaten lately!  Try it out and let me know what you think next time you're in the studio.....enjoy!